
Bosch Logo The Bosch brand logo.

For over 125 years, Robert Bosch GmbH (or simply, "Bosch") has been an industry leader in the fields of technology and mechanics. Founded in Stuttgart, Germany by Robert Bosch, the company has grown to become the largest supplier in the world of automobile components with more than 275 subsidiary companies and brand names. Bosch’s 2006 report showed sales for the year reaching over $55.3 billion and is often ranked in the top annual patent winners, obtaining nearly 1,000 patents per year.

Much like Whirlpool, the Bosch Corporation is very dedicated toward philanthropic causes. Nearly 92% of the company is owned by the Robert Bosch Foundation, however it holds no voting rights within the company. Approximately 96% of the overall profits generated are invested back into the company, with nearly its entire remaining shareholder profits then sent toward charitable causes.

Bosch Magneto Company The Bosch Magneto Company, established in 1929 in New York.

While most of Bosch’s employees and facilities are based in Germany, they’ve achieved a strong world-wide presence. All together, Bosch employs over 271,000 people in more than 50 countries around the globe. In North America, the company has established 20 factories and distribution facilities, as well as the Bosch Research Technology Center in Palo Alto, CA.

More than half of Bosch’s annual sales come from their automotive technology. The company has deep roots in the industry, having invented many components that have become common features, such as the anti-lock braking system (or ABS). From oxygen sensors to windshield wiper blades, Bosch has a hand in developing and selling nearly any part found in an automobile.

Bosch 60 MW 110 Refrigerator The Bosch 60 MW 110 model refrigerator, developed in 1933.

But what does Bosch have to do with refrigerators? Plenty! Bosch entered the refrigerator market in 1933, with its Model 60 MW 110 refrigerator. In the early 1990s, the company worked hard long side the Energy Star program to decrease their refrigerator line’s energy consumption by 78%. About 21% of Bosch’s refrigerator models are rated in the highest energy efficiency classes in Europe. Bosch refrigerators also use their own unique CS-52 Bosch refrigerator water filter (made by Cuno) for their ice and water dispensers.